Correlation between Block Print and Notebooks.
Correlation between Block Print and Notebooks. We all use notebooks to pen down our thoughts, experiences, emotions , to do list etc. Will it not be amazing to have beloved notebooks with a blocked printed cover? To comprehend the same, first we need to understand the concept of block printing and the ways in which we can use them in our notebooks. Blocks and Prints - Block print is an ancient art with its roots near the city of Jaipur. The process involves dexterity of hands and knowledge of the chemicals which is then transmitted in to fabric of numerous kinds. The process involves complex and detailed carving of wooden as per the need. The carving of the wooden blocks also takes place through hands. It is the skill of the artisan that is embodied on the wooden block. The Blocks are then dipped in colors and stamping is done on the desired surface such as fabric and paper . The manner of stamping and intricacy of the block has led to varied number of prints. Famous among t...